
Nysumbanen, Nørager, Denmark

Track Information

First introduced to the RallyX Championship calendar in 2017, the Danish circuit has quickly become a must-see event.

Witness to the thrilling showdown between Thomas Bryntesson and Oliver Solberg in 2017, Nysum is a classic old-school track that fans love, with a spectacular first corner and high-speed sections.

Unpredictable by nature, the circuit has seen no less than nine different Supercar winners in the last 11 RallyX events held in Denmark.

Previous winners: 

Open 4WD

2017: Thomas Bryntesson

2018: Ulrik Linnemann

2019: Oliver Eriksson

2020: Oliver Eriksson and Ben-Philip Gundersen

2021: Fraser McConnell and Johan Kristoffersson

2023: Peter Hedstrom and Kevin Eriksson

2024: Ulrik Linnemann and Joni Turpeinen

Supercar Lites

2018: Sondre Evjen

2019: Ben-Philip Gundersen

2020: Guillaume De Ridder and Henrik Krogstad

2021: Simon Olofsson and Tommi Hallman

2023: Lukas Andersson (two wins)

2024: Simon Olofsson (two wins) 

ROUND 11 & 12

Nysumbanen, Nørager, Denmark 2-3 August
RallyX North
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